Tina says
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(This belongs to 陕西师范大学锦园国际学校)

Teaching Plan------



Teaching aims:

a. Review some shapes: circle, oval, square, triangle.

b. Teach a new one: rectangle.

c. Practice the sentences: what shape is it? What shape can you see in the picture? How many ____ are there in the ____?


Teaching keystone and difficulty:

a. Read the word “rectangle” correctly.

b. Can answer the question, like: what shape is it? What shape can you see in the picture? How many ____are there in the ____? with the whole sentences.


Teaching aid:

PPT, shape cards


Teaching course:

Step 1 Greeting

T: Say Hello to your desk mates! Ss do it.

T: Say Hello to shapes! T shows the shape cards. Ss do it.

Step 2 Warm up

Make an oval with your point fingers.

Make a triangle with your litter fingers.

Make a circle with your hands.

Make a square with your arms.

(left, right, together)

Step 3 Teach the new word

Show a rectangle card.

T: Is it a square?

Ss: No, it’s not a square.

T: No, it’s a rectangle.

Guide to read “rectangle”.

Let the litter teachers guide to read. The others draw the shape with their hands.

T: Who can guide to read all the shapes? Let someone do it.

Step 4 Find shapes in the pictures

Show some pictures on the screen.

T: What shape can you see in the picture?

Ss: I can see ______. (or I can see ____ and ____.)

Let the kids point the shapes in the screen.

Step 5 Cards Game

T: Take out these five cards, circle, oval, triangle, rectangle and square.

Teacher says a word. The kids repeat and put up the card quickly. Give point to the first one.

Step 6 Break

Listen a song.

Step 7 Count the shapes in the picture

Show some pictures on the screen.

T: How many ____ are there in the picture?

Ss count and say the numbers.

T guides to count it again.

Step 8 Memory Game


Show some shapes in order.

Then, let the kids say it in order.

Step 9 Say Good-bye

T: Say Good-bye to shapes! Ss do it.

T: Say Good-bye to your desk mates! Ss do it.


posted on 2008-03-25 21:32 Tina 阅读(175) 评论(1)  编辑 收藏 引用 网摘 所属分类: 小学英语教学

# re: Teaching Plan------SHAPES (2A UNIT 1 清华大学版)
2008-06-12 18:00 | 体彩
没耐心看下去了,郁闷死!  回复  更多评论
