Tina says
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The sea is a great place. One day, a boy named Jimmy is going fishing. He sit and wait for a fish.

Under the sea, a sea princess was swimming when she saw a small animal under a hook. She go near it curiously and free the animal. Jimmy saw her large fins and thought she is a real fish! He pull her up. Wow! It is no fish! It is........a mermaid!

The sea princess tell him she had a curse on her legs. When she is in water, she looks like a fish. But when she is out, a mermaid... the boy feel sad for her and help her. His aunt is a witch who knew spells. So he try it..... It worked! Now she is a beautiful girl free to swim in the sea.

posted on 2006-06-10 19:47 Tina 阅读(271) 评论(1)  编辑 收藏 引用 网摘 所属分类: 小学英语教学

# re: The sea princess[Kids' story]
2007-06-07 11:57 | 范文芳

I like your story. Thanks for sharing it with us.  回复  更多评论
