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        There was great excitement on the planet of  Venus this week. For the first time Venusian scientists managed to land a satellite on the planet Earth, and it has been sending back signals as well as photographs ever since. (这个星期有件关于金星的让人兴奋的事。科学家们第一次将一枚卫星降落在金星上,并且它已经开始回传一些信号、照片。)
        The satellite was directed into an area known as Manhattan (named after the great Venusian astronomer Prof. Manhattan, who first discovered it with his telescope 20,000 light years ago.)(这个卫星被直接降落在一个被叫做“曼哈顿”的区域,这个名字是根据伟大的天文学家曼哈顿教授取的,他是第一个用他的20000光年望远镜发现的。)
        Because of excellent weather conditions and extremely strong signals, Venusian scientists were able to get valuable information as to the feasibility of a manned flying saucer landing on Earth . A press conference was held at the Venus Institute of  Technology .(因为有较好的天气环境和较强大的信号,金星科学家能获得非常有用的信息,这些信息可以让载人飞碟降落在星球上。金星科技协会召开了一个记者招待会。)
        " We have come to the conclusion , based on last week's satellite landing , " Prof . Zog said , " that there is no life on Earth . " (  基于上星期的人造卫星着陆,我们得出这样一个结论,Zog教授说,金星上没有生命。)
        " How do you know this ? " the science reporter of  the Venus Evening Star asked .(“你怎么知道这些?”金星晚间报道的科学记者问。)
        " For one thing , Earth's surface in the area of  Mahattan is composed of solid concrete and nothing can grow there . For another , the atmosphere is filled with carbon monoxide and other deadly gases and nobody could possibly this air and survive ." (首先,曼哈顿所在的星球陆地表面是由坚固的混凝土组成的,没有东西能生长在那里。另外一个,大气里充满了一氧化碳和其它致命气体,没人能适应和生存。)
       "What dose this mean as far as our flying saucer program is concerned ? " (这是什么意思?我们的载人飞碟计划还会被考虑吗?)
       "We shall have to take our own oxygen with us , which means a much heavier flying saucer than we originally planned ."
        " Are there any other hazards that you discovered in your studies ? "(在您的研究中,还有发现其它冒险的事情吗?)
        "Take a look this photo . You see this dark black cloud hovering over the surface of  Earth? We call this the Consolidated Edison Belt . We don't know what it is made of , but it could give us a lot of trouble and we shall have to make further tests before we send a Venus Being there . " (看这张照片。你能看到这个黑色的云悬浮在星球表面吗?我们叫它“加央的爱迪生带”。我们不知道它是什么组成的,但是它可能给我们大量的麻烦,在发射金星人前,我们必须对它作更多的测试。)
        " Over here you will notice what seems to be a river , but the satellite findings indicate it is polluted and the water is unfit to drink . This means we shall have to carry our own water , which will add even greater weight to the saucer .(这里看起来像条河,但是卫星探索者指示它被污染了而且不适合饮用。这就意味着我们必须带上自己的水,这就需要增加飞碟更多的重量。)
        " Sir , what are all those tiny black spots on the photographs?"(教授,照片上这些黑色的点是什么?)
        " We're not certain . They seem to be metal particles that move along certain paths . They emit gases , make noise and keep crashing into each other . There are so many of these paths and so many metal particles that it is impossible to land a flying saucer without its being smashed by one . "(我们不能确定。它们看上去像金属粒子并且沿着特定的路线移动。它们排放气体,发出躁音并且互相冲撞。有太多这样的金属粒子,以致于我们在降落飞碟时不被撞到。)
        " What are those stalagmite projections sticking up ?" (这些笋状树起的物体是什么?)
        " They're some type of granite formations that give off light at night . Prof . Glom has named them shyscrapers since they seem to be scraping the skies ."(这些花岗岩类型的东西,晚上能发光。Glom教授叫它们划破星空者,因为他们看起来像要划破天空。)
        " If all you say is true , won't this set back the flying sauser program several years ? "(如果您说的是事实,那么飞碟的飞行计划是否会推迟好几年?)
        " Yes , but we shall proceed as soon as the Grubstart gives us the added funds . "(是的,但是我们已经会在得到着Grubstart资金后继续推进。)
        "Prof . Zog , why are we spending billions and billions of zilches to land a flying saucer on Earth when there is no life there ?" (Zog教授,为什么我们要花费数以千计的钱让飞碟降落在一个没有生命体的星球上?)
        " Because if we Venusians can learn to breathe in an Earth atmosphere , then we can live anywhere . " (因为如果我们能学会在金星上呼吸,那么我们就能在任何地方活下去。)

posted on 2008-06-15 23:08 指尖下de黑白 阅读(741) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 网摘 所属分类: 考研之路
