Happy New Year to all!


Answers to Revision Exercise 1 (Band 1)06.09

I. Listening

1-5 CBCBB            6-10 CBACA   11-15 ACCCA             16-20 ACCBC

II. Reading

Section A  21-25. F C K A E  26-30. J M O H I

Section B  31-35 BBACB36-40 BDCAC41-45 BDCBD46-50 DACAB

III. Vocabulary

51-55 CDDBD              56-60 BCBBC        61-65DBCBA        

66-70 CDCCA              71-75 CCACD       76-80 ACDBC

IV. Cloze

80-85 BCADC86-90 ADBAC91-95 DBAAC96-100 CDDBB

V. Translation

English learning is very important, but at the same time it is hard.

As far as pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary are concerned, I think a large vocabulary is more important. Because vocabulary is just like bricks in building a big house. We need to learn and know as many words as possible. Moreover, remembering words is time-consuming and difficult for me. And I seem to forget more than I have remembered.

When it comes to the four skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing, I think reading is the most important for a non-English major. According to some statistics, more than 90% of scientific papers are published in English in the world today. So if you have a good reading skill, at least you can read in English to get information about science and technology. Besides, reading skill is the basis for the other three skills.

My big problem is, however, speaking. I feel nervous whenever I speak. And I never seem to know what to say when people talk to me. But I’ve decided to overcome my shyness and learn to speak English as much as I can.


Answers to Revision Exercise 2 (Band 1)06.09

I. Listening

1-10 ACBBB, CCCAA              11-20 CBBBB, AACCB

II. Reading

21-25. H C F B J           26-30. L D O K M

31-40 DCDCA, DACDB     41-50 BAABD, CDDBC

III. Vocabulary

51-60 AAADC, ADABB            61-70 DACDA, DACBB     71-80 DDBDA, BABDB

IV. Cloze

81-90 CBBCA, DCBDA     91-100 ABBBB, ACABA

V. Translation

Every student will be faced with the same question when he passed the College Entrance Examination: should he choose a good major or a good university? Different people will offer different answers. Some students give priority to a good major. In their mind, whether the university is famous is not the most important --- So long as they work hard, they can achieve well in any university, and a bright future is awaiting them. However, other students pay more attention to a good university. In their opinion, the environment is vital to the making of an excellent person. In a word, the best choice is a good major at a good university.


Answers to Revision Exercise 3 (Band 1)06.09

I. Listening

1-5 ACDBA                  6-10 ACDCD        11-15 BDACA        16-20 CCDDD

21-25. ABCDD               26-30. BBACD    

II. Reading

31-35. C E D L I   36-40. J G M H K

41-45 CDBBA46-50    DABDB 51-55 DDBAA          56-60 ADBBC

III. Vocabulary

61-65 DCACB        66-70 CAADA              71-75 ABDCD       

76-80 BCBCA        81-85 DACDC       86-90 DBAAA

IV. Cloze

91-95 BACDA        96-100 CDABC      101-105 BADBC           106-120 CDBDA

V. Translation


Answers to Revision Exercise 4(Band 1)06.09

I. Listening

1-5 ACBAD          6-10 BDCBC         11-15 BACBC              16-20 BBAAD.

II. Reading

21-25. D B L C N   26-30. I F K M G

31-35 CCBAB    36-40 BAACD    41-45 ACBBD              46-50 BBADA

III. Vocabulary

51-55 ABCCA         56-60 BBAAC       61-65 ADBAB        66-70 CCACA        71-75 CDBBC        76-80 BADCC

IV. Cloze

81-85 DACCA      86-90 DBDBB      91-95 CAACB       96-100 CADBD

V. Translation

Teacher: How do movies or TV influence people’s behavior? Present your specific reasons to support your viewpoint.

Student: In my opinion, either of them has a bad effect/a side effect on people’s behavior. For one thing, there's too much violence on movies and TV; for another, many stories are unreal yet some people consider them true and imitate the heroes. Worst of all, people become easily indulged in watching movies or TV programs.